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#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World";

    //when we want to print single string that is in multiple line:

    std::cout << "Hello"

    "World"; //adjacent string are joined together by the c++ during pre-processing


    std::cout << R"(Hello" 

    "World)"; //white space are also printed out


Without the help of raw string printing something like path would be cumbersome.

std::cout << "c:\\program File\\World";

However what do we do if we want to print something like โ€œ in the middle of the path?

std::cout << R"(C:\program)" Files\World)"; //error

//correct version

std::cout << R"stuff(c:\Program)" Files\World)stuff"; // this raw string literal allow us to make our own terminating tokens on either end of our string ("stuff" could be anything)

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